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FileCommitProtocol is an abstraction of file committers that can setup, commit or abort a Spark job or task (while writing out a pair RDD and partitions).

FileCommitProtocol is used for RDD.saveAsNewAPIHadoopDataset and RDD.saveAsHadoopDataset transformations (that use SparkHadoopWriter utility to write a key-value RDD out).

FileCommitProtocol is created using FileCommitProtocol.instantiate utility.


Aborting Job

  jobContext: JobContext): Unit

Aborts a job

Used when:

  • SparkHadoopWriter utility is used to write a key-value RDD (and writing fails)
  • (Spark SQL) FileFormatWriter utility is used to write a result of a structured query (and writing fails)
  • (Spark SQL) FileBatchWrite is requested to abort

Aborting Task

  taskContext: TaskAttemptContext): Unit

Abort a task

Used when:

  • SparkHadoopWriter utility is used to write an RDD partition
  • (Spark SQL) FileFormatDataWriter is requested to abort

Committing Job

  jobContext: JobContext,
  taskCommits: Seq[TaskCommitMessage]): Unit

Commits a job after the writes succeed

Used when:

  • SparkHadoopWriter utility is used to write a key-value RDD
  • (Spark SQL) FileFormatWriter utility is used to write a result of a structured query
  • (Spark SQL) FileBatchWrite is requested to commit

Committing Task

  taskContext: TaskAttemptContext): TaskCommitMessage

Used when:

  • SparkHadoopWriter utility is used to write an RDD partition
  • (Spark SQL) FileFormatDataWriter is requested to commit

Deleting Path with Job

  fs: FileSystem,
  path: Path,
  recursive: Boolean): Boolean

deleteWithJob requests the given Hadoop FileSystem to delete a path directory.

Used when InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand logical command (Spark SQL) is executed


  taskContext: TaskAttemptContext,
  dir: Option[String],
  ext: String): String

Used when:

  • (Spark SQL) SingleDirectoryDataWriter and DynamicPartitionDataWriter are requested to write (and in turn newOutputWriter)


  taskContext: TaskAttemptContext,
  absoluteDir: String,
  ext: String): String

Used when:

  • (Spark SQL) DynamicPartitionDataWriter is requested to write

On Task Committed

  taskCommit: TaskCommitMessage): Unit

Used when:

  • (Spark SQL) FileFormatWriter is requested to write

Setting Up Job

  jobContext: JobContext): Unit

Used when:

Setting Up Task

  taskContext: TaskAttemptContext): Unit

Sets up the task with the Hadoop TaskAttemptContext

Used when:

  • SparkHadoopWriter is requested to write an RDD partition (while writing out a key-value RDD)
  • (Spark SQL) FileFormatWriter utility is used to write out a RDD partition (while writing out a result of a structured query)
  • (Spark SQL) FileWriterFactory is requested to createWriter


Instantiating FileCommitProtocol Committer

  className: String,
  jobId: String,
  outputPath: String,
  dynamicPartitionOverwrite: Boolean = false): FileCommitProtocol

instantiate prints out the following DEBUG message to the logs:

Creating committer [className]; job [jobId]; output=[outputPath]; dynamic=[dynamicPartitionOverwrite]

instantiate tries to find a constructor method that takes three arguments (two of type String and one Boolean) for the given jobId, outputPath and dynamicPartitionOverwrite flag. If found, instantiate prints out the following DEBUG message to the logs:

Using (String, String, Boolean) constructor

In case of NoSuchMethodException, instantiate prints out the following DEBUG message to the logs:

Falling back to (String, String) constructor

instantiate tries to find a constructor method that takes two arguments (two of type String) for the given jobId and outputPath.

With two String arguments, instantiate requires that the given dynamicPartitionOverwrite flag is disabled (false) or throws an IllegalArgumentException:

requirement failed: Dynamic Partition Overwrite is enabled but the committer [className] does not have the appropriate constructor

instantiate is used when:


Enable ALL logging level for logger to see what happens inside.

Add the following line to conf/

Refer to Logging.