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= LocalSchedulerBackend

LocalSchedulerBackend is a <<../, SchedulerBackend>> and an[] for the <>.

LocalSchedulerBackend is <> when SparkContext is requested to[create the SchedulerBackend with the TaskScheduler] for the following master URLs:

  • local (with exactly <>)

  • local[n] (with exactly <>)

  • ++local[]++* (with the <> that is the number of available CPU cores on the local machine)

  • local[n, m] (with exactly <>)

  • ++local[, m]++* (with the <> that is the number of available CPU cores on the local machine)

While being <>, LocalSchedulerBackend requests the <> to <<../, connect>>.

When an executor sends task status updates (using ExecutorBackend.statusUpdate), they are passed along as <> to <>.

.Task status updates flow in local mode image::LocalSchedulerBackend-LocalEndpoint-Executor-task-status-updates.png[align="center"]

[[appId]] [[applicationId]] When requested for the <<../, applicationId>>, LocalSchedulerBackend uses local-[currentTimeMillis].

[[maxNumConcurrentTasks]] When requested for the <<../, maxNumConcurrentTasks>>, LocalSchedulerBackend simply divides the <> by[spark.task.cpus] configuration (default: 1).

[[defaultParallelism]] When requested for the <<../, defaultParallelism>>, LocalSchedulerBackend uses <<../, spark.default.parallelism>> configuration (if defined) or the <>.

[[userClassPath]] When <>, LocalSchedulerBackend <> the <<../, spark.executor.extraClassPath>> configuration property (in the given <>) for the user-defined class path for executors that is used exclusively when LocalSchedulerBackend is requested to <> (and creates a <> that in turn uses it to create the one <>).

[[creating-instance]] LocalSchedulerBackend takes the following to be created:

  • [[conf]] <<../, SparkConf>>
  • [[scheduler]][TaskSchedulerImpl]
  • [[totalCores]] Total number of CPU cores (aka totalCores)

[[internal-registries]] .LocalSchedulerBackend's Internal Properties (e.g. Registries, Counters and Flags) [cols="1m,3",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Name | Description

| localEndpoint a| [[localEndpoint]][RpcEndpointRef] to LocalSchedulerBackendEndpoint RPC endpoint (that is <> which LocalSchedulerBackend registers when <>)

Used when LocalSchedulerBackend is requested for the following:

  • <> (and sends a <> one-way asynchronous message)

  • <> (and sends a <> one-way asynchronous message)

  • <> (and sends a <> one-way asynchronous message)

  • <> (and sends a <> asynchronous message)

| launcherBackend a| [[launcherBackend]] <<../, LauncherBackend>>

Used when LocalSchedulerBackend is <>, <> and <>

| listenerBus a| [[listenerBus]][] that is used exclusively when LocalSchedulerBackend is requested to <>


[[logging]] [TIP] ==== Enable INFO logging level for org.apache.spark.scheduler.local.LocalSchedulerBackend logger to see what happens inside.

Add the following line to conf/

Refer to <<../, Logging>>.

== [[start]] Starting Scheduling Backend -- start Method

[source, scala]

start(): Unit

NOTE: start is part of the <<../, SchedulerBackend Contract>> to start the scheduling backend.

start requests the SparkEnv object for the current[RpcEnv].

start then creates a <> and requests the RpcEnv to[register it] as LocalSchedulerBackendEndpoint RPC endpoint.

start requests the <> to[post] a[SparkListenerExecutorAdded] event.

In the end, start requests the <> to <<../, setAppId>> as the <> and <<../, setState>> as RUNNING.

== [[reviveOffers]] reviveOffers Method

[source, scala]

reviveOffers(): Unit

NOTE: reviveOffers is part of the <<../, SchedulerBackend Contract>> to...FIXME.


== [[killTask]] killTask Method

[source, scala]

killTask( taskId: Long, executorId: String, interruptThread: Boolean, reason: String): Unit

NOTE: killTask is part of the <<../, SchedulerBackend Contract>> to kill a task.


== [[statusUpdate]] statusUpdate Method

[source, scala]

statusUpdate( taskId: Long, state: TaskState, data: ByteBuffer): Unit

NOTE: statusUpdate is part of the[ExecutorBackend] abstraction.


== [[stop]] Stopping Scheduling Backend -- stop Method

[source, scala]

stop(): Unit

NOTE: stop is part of the <<../, SchedulerBackend Contract>> to stop a scheduling backend.


== [[getUserClasspath]] User-Defined Class Path for Executors -- getUserClasspath Method

[source, scala]

getUserClasspath(conf: SparkConf): Seq[URL]

getUserClasspath simply requests the given SparkConf for the <<../, spark.executor.extraClassPath>> configuration property and converts the entries (separated by the system-dependent path separator) to URLs.

NOTE: getUserClasspath is used exclusively when LocalSchedulerBackend is <>.