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= [[BytesToBytesMap]] BytesToBytesMap

BytesToBytesMap is a[MemoryConsumer].

BytesToBytesMap is used to create Spark SQL's UnsafeKVExternalSorter and UnsafeHashedRelation.

== [[creating-instance]] Creating Instance

BytesToBytesMap takes the following to be created:

  • [[taskMemoryManager]][TaskMemoryManager]
  • [[blockManager]][BlockManager]
  • <>
  • [[initialCapacity]] Initial capacity
  • [[loadFactor]] Load factor (default: 0.5)
  • [[pageSizeBytes]] Page size (in bytes)
  • [[enablePerfMetrics]] enablePerfMetrics flag

BytesToBytesMap is created for Spark SQL's UnsafeFixedWidthAggregationMap and UnsafeHashedRelation.

== [[serializerManager]] SerializerManager

BytesToBytesMap is given a[SerializerManager] when <>.

BytesToBytesMap uses the SerializerManager when (MapIterator is) requested to advanceToNextPage (to request UnsafeSorterSpillWriter for a[UnsafeSorterSpillReader]).

== [[MAX_CAPACITY]] Maximum Supported Capacity

BytesToBytesMap supports up to 1 << 29 keys.

== [[spillWriters]] UnsafeSorterSpillWriters

BytesToBytesMap manages[UnsafeSorterSpillWriters].

BytesToBytesMap registers a new UnsafeSorterSpillWriter when requested to <>.

BytesToBytesMap uses the UnsafeSorterSpillWriters when:

  • <>


== [[destructiveIterator]] MapIterator

BytesToBytesMap manages a "destructive" MapIterator.

BytesToBytesMap creates it when requested for <>.

BytesToBytesMap requests it to spill when requested to <>.

== [[destructiveIterator]] Creating Destructive MapIterator

[source, java]

MapIterator destructiveIterator()

destructiveIterator <> and creates a MapIterator (with the <> and <>).

destructiveIterator is used when Spark SQL's UnsafeFixedWidthAggregationMap is requested for a key-value iterator.

== [[allocate]] Allocating

[source, java]

void allocate( int capacity)

allocate uses the input capacity to compute a number that is a power of 2 and greater or equal than capacity, but not greater than <>. The computed number is at least 64.


def _c(capacity: Int) = { import org.apache.spark.unsafe.array.ByteArrayMethods val MAX_CAPACITY = (1 << 29) Math.max(Math.min(MAX_CAPACITY, ByteArrayMethods.nextPowerOf2(capacity)), 64) }

allocate[allocates an array] twice as big as the power-of-two capacity and fills it all with 0s.

allocate initializes the <> and <> internal properties.

allocate requires that the input capacity is positive.

allocate is used when...FIXME

== [[spill]] Spilling

[source, java]

long spill( long size, MemoryConsumer trigger)

NOTE: spill is part of the[MemoryConsumer] abstraction.

spill requests the <> to spill when the given MemoryConsumer is not this BytesToBytesMap and the MapIterator is available.

== [[free]] Freeing Up Allocated Memory

[source, java]

void free()


free is used when...FIXME

== [[internal-properties]] Internal Properties

[cols="30m,70",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Name | Description

| growthThreshold a| [[growthThreshold]] Growth threshold

| mask a| [[mask]] Mask for truncating hashcodes so that they do not exceed the long array's size
