= SparkTransportConf
SparkTransportConf is...FIXME
== [[fromSparkConf]] Creating TransportConf
fromSparkConf( _conf: SparkConf, module: String, numUsableCores: Int = 0): TransportConf
fromSparkConf is used when...FIXME
== [[defaultNumThreads]] Calculating Default Number of Threads
[source, scala]¶
defaultNumThreads( numUsableCores: Int): Int
defaultNumThreads calculates the default number of threads for both the Netty client and server thread pools that is 8 maximum or numUsableCores
is smaller. If numUsableCores
is not specified, defaultNumThreads uses the number of processors available to the Java virtual machine.
NOTE: 8 is the maximum number of threads for Netty and is not configurable.
NOTE: defaultNumThreads uses ++[Java's Runtime for the number of processors in JVM].