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AbstractCommandBuilder is an abstraction of command builders.



List<String> buildCommand(
  Map<String, String> env)

Used when:

  • Main is requested to buildCommand
  • WorkerCommandBuilder is requested to buildCommand



List<String> buildJavaCommand(
  String extraClassPath)

buildJavaCommand builds the Java command for a Spark application (which is a collection of elements with the path to java executable, JVM options from java-opts file, and a class path).

If javaHome is set, buildJavaCommand adds [javaHome]/bin/java to the result Java command. Otherwise, it uses JAVA_HOME or, when no earlier checks succeeded, falls through to java.home Java's system property.

CAUTION: FIXME Who sets javaHome internal property and when?

buildJavaCommand loads extra Java options from the java-opts file in configuration directory if the file exists and adds them to the result Java command.

Eventually, buildJavaCommand builds the class path (with the extra class path if non-empty) and adds it as -cp to the result Java command.


List<String> buildClassPath(
  String appClassPath)

buildClassPath builds the classpath for a Spark application.


Directories always end up with the OS-specific file separator at the end of their paths.

buildClassPath adds the following in that order:

  1. SPARK_CLASSPATH environment variable
  2. The input appClassPath
  3. The configuration directory
  4. (only with SPARK_PREPEND_CLASSES set or SPARK_TESTING being 1) Locally compiled Spark classes in classes, test-classes and Core's jars. + CAUTION: FIXME Elaborate on "locally compiled Spark classes".

  5. (only with SPARK_SQL_TESTING being 1) ... + CAUTION: FIXME Elaborate on the SQL testing case

  6. HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable

  7. YARN_CONF_DIR environment variable

  8. SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH environment variable

NOTE: childEnv is queried first before System properties. It is always empty for AbstractCommandBuilder (and SparkSubmitCommandBuilder, too).

Loading Properties File

Properties loadPropertiesFile()

loadPropertiesFile loads Spark settings from a properties file (when specified on the command line) or spark-defaults.conf in the configuration directory.

loadPropertiesFile loads the settings from the following files starting from the first and checking every location until the first properties file is found:

  1. propertiesFile (if specified using --properties-file command-line option or set by AbstractCommandBuilder.setPropertiesFile).
  2. [SPARK_CONF_DIR]/spark-defaults.conf
  3. [SPARK_HOME]/conf/spark-defaults.conf

Spark's Configuration Directory

AbstractCommandBuilder uses getConfDir to compute the current configuration directory of a Spark application.

It uses SPARK_CONF_DIR (from childEnv which is always empty anyway or as a environment variable) and falls through to [SPARK_HOME]/conf (with SPARK_HOME from getSparkHome).

Spark's Home Directory

AbstractCommandBuilder uses getSparkHome to compute Spark's home directory for a Spark application.

It uses SPARK_HOME (from childEnv which is always empty anyway or as a environment variable).

If SPARK_HOME is not set, Spark throws a IllegalStateException:

Spark home not found; set it explicitly or use the SPARK_HOME environment variable.