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SparkLauncher is an interface to launch Spark applications programmatically, i.e. from a code (not[spark-submit] directly). It uses a builder pattern to configure a Spark application and launch it as a child process using[spark-submit].

SparkLauncher uses SparkSubmitCommandBuilder to build the Spark command of a Spark application to launch.


SparkLauncher defines spark-internal (NO_RESOURCE) as a special value to inform Spark not to try to process the application resource (primary resource) as a regular file (but as an imaginary resource that cluster managers would know how to look up and submit for execution, e.g. Spark on YARN or Spark on Kubernetes).

spark-internal special value is used when:


.SparkLauncher's Builder Methods to Set Up Invocation of Spark Application [options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Setter | Description | addAppArgs(String... args) | Adds command line arguments for a Spark application. | addFile(String file) | Adds a file to be submitted with a Spark application. | addJar(String jar) | Adds a jar file to be submitted with the application. | addPyFile(String file) | Adds a python file / zip / egg to be submitted with a Spark application. | addSparkArg(String arg) | Adds a no-value argument to the Spark invocation. | addSparkArg(String name, String value) | Adds an argument with a value to the Spark invocation. It recognizes known command-line arguments, i.e. --master, --properties-file, --conf, --class, --jars, --files, and --py-files. | directory(File dir) | Sets the working directory of spark-submit. | redirectError() | Redirects stderr to stdout. | redirectError(File errFile) | Redirects error output to the specified errFile file. | redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect to) | Redirects error output to the specified to Redirect. | redirectOutput(File outFile) | Redirects output to the specified outFile file. | redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect to) | Redirects standard output to the specified to Redirect. | redirectToLog(String loggerName) | Sets all output to be logged and redirected to a logger with the specified name. | setAppName(String appName) | Sets the name of an Spark application | setAppResource(String resource) | Sets the main application resource, i.e. the location of a jar file for Scala/Java applications. | setConf(String key, String value) | Sets a Spark property. Expects key starting with spark. prefix. | setDeployMode(String mode) | Sets the deploy mode. | setJavaHome(String javaHome) | Sets a custom JAVA_HOME. | setMainClass(String mainClass) | Sets the main class. | setMaster(String master) | Sets the master URL. | setPropertiesFile(String path) | Sets the internal propertiesFile.

See[loadPropertiesFile Internal Method]. | setSparkHome(String sparkHome) | Sets a custom SPARK_HOME. | setVerbose(boolean verbose) | Enables verbose reporting for SparkSubmit. |===

After the invocation of a Spark application is set up, use launch() method to launch a sub-process that will start the configured Spark application. It is however recommended to use startApplication method instead.

[source, scala]

import org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher

val command = new SparkLauncher() .setAppResource("SparkPi") .setVerbose(true)

val appHandle = command.startApplication()