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SparkSubmitOptionParser is the parser of spark-submit's command-line options.


A comma-separated sequence of paths


.spark-submit Command-Line Options [cols="1,2",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Command-Line Option | Description | --archives | | --class | The main class to run (as mainClass internal attribute). | --conf [prop=value] or -c [prop=value] | All =-separated values end up in conf potentially overriding existing settings. Order on command-line matters. | --deploy-mode| deployMode internal property | --driver-class-path| spark.driver.extraClassPath in conf -- the driver class path | --driver-cores| | --driver-java-options| spark.driver.extraJavaOptions in conf -- the driver VM options | --driver-library-path| spark.driver.extraLibraryPath in conf -- the driver native library path | --driver-memory | spark.driver.memory in conf | --exclude-packages | | --executor-cores | | --executor-memory | | --files | | --help or -h | The option is added to sparkArgs | --jars | | --keytab | | --kill | The option and a value are added to sparkArgs | --master | master internal property | --name | | --num-executors | | --packages | | --principal | | --properties-file [FILE] | propertiesFile internal property. Refer to[Custom Spark Properties File -- --properties-file command-line option]. | --proxy-user | | --py-files | | --queue | | --repositories | | --status | The option and a value are added to sparkArgs | --supervise | | --total-executor-cores | | --usage-error | The option is added to sparkArgs | --verbose or -v | | --version | The option is added to sparkArgs |===

=== [[callbacks]] SparkSubmitOptionParser Callbacks

SparkSubmitOptionParser is supposed to be overriden for the following capabilities (as callbacks).

.Callbacks [cols="1,3",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Callback | Description | handle | Executed when an option with an argument is parsed. | handleUnknown | Executed when an unrecognized option is parsed. | handleExtraArgs | Executed for the command-line arguments that handle and handleUnknown callbacks have not processed. |===

SparkSubmitOptionParser belongs to org.apache.spark.launcher Scala package and spark-launcher Maven/sbt module.

NOTE: org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkSubmitArgumentsParser is a custom SparkSubmitOptionParser.

=== [[parse]] Parsing Command-Line Arguments -- parse Method

[source, scala]

final void parse(List args)

parse parses a list of command-line arguments.

parse calls handle callback whenever it finds a known command-line option or a switch (a command-line option with no parameter). It calls handleUnknown callback for unrecognized command-line options.

parse keeps processing command-line arguments until handle or handleUnknown callback return false or all command-line arguments have been consumed.

Ultimately, parse calls handleExtraArgs callback.