使用原生JS代替JQuery 操作DOM api 的一些方法


Posted by 許敲敲 on December 8, 2019

我想做个好Web developer……

使用原生JS代替DOM api 的一些方法

最近参与的项目有一些工作是需要移除之前的$的使用,最新的MR要求不能再使用JQuery等方法。于是总结了一些原生的js方法。也可以查看作者参考的 网站

 * This module defines shared APIs to substitute jquery.<P>
 * Ref: http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/
 * Note: This modules does not create an injectable service, but wil using the third module `lodash`.
 * @module js/domUtils
import _ from 'lodash';

var exports = {};

var reUnit = /width|height|top|left|right|bottom|margin|padding/i;

var DOMAPIs = {
    get: function( selector, parent ) {
        var root = parent || document;
        return root.querySelector( selector );
    getAll: function( selector, parent ) {
        var root = parent || document;
        return root.querySelectorAll( selector ) || [];
    closest: function( el, selector ) {
        const matchesSelector = this._getMatchesSelector( el );
        while( el ) {
            if( matchesSelector.call( el, selector ) ) {
                return el;
            el = el.parentElement;
        return null;
    parentsUntil: function( el, selector, filter ) {
        const result = [];
        const matchesSelector = this._getMatchesSelector( el );
        // match start from parent
        el = el.parentElement;
        while( el && !matchesSelector.call( el, selector ) ) {
            if( !filter ) {
                result.push( el );
            } else {
                if( matchesSelector.call( el, filter ) ) {
                    result.push( el );
            el = el.parentElement;
        return result;
    // el can be an Element, NodeList or selector
    addClass: function( el, className ) {
        if( typeof el === 'string' ) { el = this.getAll( el ); }
        var els = el instanceof NodeList ? [].slice.call( el ) : [ el ];

        els.forEach( e => {
            if( this.hasClass( e, className ) ) { return; }

            if( e.classList ) {
                e.classList.add( className );
            } else {
                e.className += ' ' + className;
        } );

    // el can be an Element, NodeList or selector
    removeClass: function( el, className ) {
        if( typeof el === 'string' ) { el = this.getAll( el ); }
        var els = el instanceof NodeList ? [].slice.call( el ) : [ el ];

        els.forEach( e => {
            if( this.hasClass( e, className ) ) {
                if( e.classList ) {
                    e.classList.remove( className );
                } else {
                    e.className = e.className.replace( new RegExp( '(^|\\b)' + className.split( ' ' ).join( '|' ) + '(\\b|$)', 'gi' ), ' ' );
        } );

    // el can be an Element or selector
    hasClass: function( el, className ) {
        if( typeof el === 'string' ) { el = this.get( el ); }
        if( el.classList ) {
            return el.classList.contains( className );
        return new RegExp( '(^| )' + className + '( |$)', 'gi' ).test( el.className );

    // el can be an Element or selector
    toggleClass: function( el, className ) {
        if( typeof el === 'string' ) { el = this.get( el ); }
        const flag = this.hasClass( el, className );
        if( flag ) {
            this.removeClass( el, className );
        } else {
            this.addClass( el, className );
        return flag;
    // el can be an Element, NodeList or query string
    remove: function( el ) {
        if( typeof el === 'string' ) {
            [].forEach.call( this.getAll( el ), node => {
                node.parentNode.removeChild( node );
            } );
        } else if( el.parentNode ) {
            // it's an Element
            el.parentNode.removeChild( el );
        } else if( el instanceof NodeList ) {
            // it's an array of elements
            [].forEach.call( el, node => {
                node.parentNode.removeChild( node );
            } );
    append: function( el, parent ) {
        if( typeof el === 'string' ) {
            [].forEach.call( this.getAll( el ), node => {
                ( parent || node.parentNode ).appendChild( node );
            } );
        } else if( el.parentNode ) {
            ( parent || el.parentNode ).appendChild( el );
        } else if( el instanceof Node ) {
            parent.appendChild( el );
        } else if( el instanceof NodeList ) {
            [].forEach.call( el, node => {
                ( parent || node.parentNode ).appendChild( node );
            } );
    getComputedStyles: function( el ) {
        return el.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle( el, null );
    getOffset: function( el ) {
        const html = el.ownerDocument.documentElement;
        let box = { top: 0, left: 0 };
        // If we don't have gBCR, just use 0,0 rather than error
        // BlackBerry 5, iOS 3 (original iPhone)
        if( typeof el.getBoundingClientRect !== 'undefined' ) {
            box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
        return {
            top: box.top + window.pageYOffset - html.clientTop,
            left: box.left + window.pageXOffset - html.clientLeft
    getPosition: function( el ) {
        if( !el ) {
            return {
                left: 0,
                top: 0
        return {
            left: el.offsetLeft,
            top: el.offsetTop
    setStyle: function( node, att, val, style ) {
        style = style || node.style;
        if( style ) {
            if( val === null || val === '' ) { // normalize unsetting
                val = '';
            } else if( !isNaN( Number( val ) ) && reUnit.test( att ) ) { // number values may need a unit
                val += 'px';
            if( att === '' ) {
                att = 'cssText';
                val = '';
            style[ att ] = val;
    clearStyles: function( el ) {
        el.setAttribute( 'style', '' );
    setStyles: function( el, hash, clearExisting = false ) {
        clearExisting && this.clearStyles( el );

        const HAS_CSSTEXT_FEATURE = typeof el.style.cssText !== 'undefined';

        function trim( str ) {
            return str.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' );
        let originStyleText;
        const originStyleObj = {};
        if( HAS_CSSTEXT_FEATURE ) {
            originStyleText = el.style.cssText;
        } else {
            originStyleText = el.getAttribute( 'style' );
        originStyleText.split( ';' ).forEach( item => {
            if( item.indexOf( ':' ) !== -1 ) {
                const obj = item.split( ':' );
                originStyleObj[ trim( obj[ 0 ] ) ] = trim( obj[ 1 ] );
        } );
        const styleObj = {};
        Object.keys( hash ).forEach( item => {
            this.setStyle( el, item, hash[ item ], styleObj );
        } );
        const mergedStyleObj = Object.assign( {}, originStyleObj, styleObj );
        const styleText = Object.keys( mergedStyleObj )
            .map( item => item + ': ' + mergedStyleObj[ item ] + ';' )
            .join( ' ' );
        if( HAS_CSSTEXT_FEATURE ) {
            el.style.cssText = styleText;
        } else {
            el.setAttribute( 'style', styleText );
    getStyle: function( el, att, style ) {
        style = style || el.style;
        let val = '';
        if( style ) {
            val = style[ att ];
            if( val === '' ) {
                val = this.getComputedStyle( el, att );
        return val;
    getComputedStyle: function( el, att ) {
        const win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView;
        // null means not return presudo styles
        const computed = win.getComputedStyle( el, null );
        return att ? computed[ att ] : computed;
    uniqueId: ( function() {
        var uuid = 0;
        return function( el ) {
            if( !el.id ) {
                el.id = 'ui-id-' + uuid;
    } )(),
    removeUniqueId: function( el ) {
        if( /^ui-id-\d+$/.test( el.id ) ) {
            el.removeAttribute( 'id' );
    _getMatchesSelector: function( el ) {
        return el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector;
    on: function( el, eventNames, fn ) {
        eventNames.split( /\s+|,/ ).forEach( item => {
            el.addEventListener( item.trim(), fn );
        } );
        return this;
    off: function( el, eventNames, fn ) {
        eventNames.split( /\s+|,/ ).forEach( item => {
            el.removeEventListener( item.trim(), fn );
        } );
        return this;
    setAttribute: function( el, attr, value ) {
        var els = el instanceof NodeList ? [].slice.call( el ) : [ el ];
        els.forEach( e => { e.setAttribute( attr, value ); } );
    removeAttribute: function( el, attr ) {
        var els = el instanceof NodeList ? [].slice.call( el ) : [ el ];
        els.forEach( e => { e.removeAttribute( attr ); } );
    getParent: function( el, level = 1 ) {
        if( !el ) { return; }
        let result = [];
        let els = el instanceof NodeList ? [].slice.call( el ) : [ el ];
        let path =  '.parentNode'.repeat( Math.max( level, 1 ) ).replace( /^\./, '' );
        els.forEach( e => { result.push( _.get( e, path ) );  } );
        return result;
    inDOM: function( node ) { return node.mock || document.body.contains( node ); }

export { DOMAPIs as DOMAPIs };

export default exports = {


import domUtils from 'js/domUtils;

// 示例:
 it( 'Given a element, then the element can be set Attribute with user provide value and user can also remove the attribute', function() {
        var testObj = {
            html: '<div class = "testClass1 "></div>'
        compile( testObj ); // angularJs 的编译方法
        var element = testObj.element;
        document.body.appendChild( element[ 0 ] );
        var testAttribute = 'Attribute1';
        var testAttributeValue = 'testAttributeValue1';
        var testElement = document.getElementsByClassName( 'testClass1' )[ 0 ];
        expect( testElement.getAttribute( testAttribute ) ).toEqual( null );
        dom.setAttribute( testElement, testAttribute, testAttributeValue );
        expect( testElement.getAttribute( testAttribute ) ).toEqual( testAttributeValue );
        dom.removeAttribute( testElement, testAttribute );
        expect( testElement.getAttribute( testAttribute ) ).toEqual( null );
    } );

以上是具体的简单使用该domUtils的简单例子,对于操作dom的Api还算齐全,后面会继续改进,或者考虑发布到NPM上。 简单的为了学习,如有其它问题,欢迎联系!